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Monday, September 22, 2008

Top 10 Sanlu Milk Crisis Excuses

Look around in both English and Chinese media and you’ll find more than enough news on the Sanlu Milk Crisis / Kidney Stone-gate / Got Melamine Campaign. And even as it continues to develop, Super-Xpat feels that most anyone who has a bit of experience with media, China (or developing world businesses), and a sardonic attitude toward effectiveness of governments can guess how this will turn out. Perhaps when this happens.

But no matter what actually happens, we should all just be grateful that the news actually broke and that more and more people are talking. Or maybe not grateful. Since the first reporting, Super-Xpat has read some crazy "explanations" for the crisis. Some shocking, some shockingly ridiculous. So here for your enjoyment or disapproval, the Top 10 Sanlu Milk Crisis Excuses!

    10. It wuz them counterfeiters!

    9. Natural. Disaster.

    8. Baidu--Business' Bi-yatch

    7. Celebrity Spokespersons Lied to Us!

    6. Every country has tainted food. This is just unfair criticism of China! (ok it's a satire)

    5. It was those greedyLehman Brothers.

    4. Ok, not Lehman, it was Geng.

    3. Skrulls. Dirty Stinkin’ Cow-Skrulls.

    2. We tried to tell them, mate. Six Months Ago. Tweedle-dee, la la la-dee-da-da… wait what was I supposed to do?

    1. Much, much too busy with the Olympics.